International Newsletter  (By razaactiva) / Spanish Newsletter here
BY MARRIAGE - Write by Jenny Gonzalez and Hugo Guarin

Spanish Newsletter here


Matthew 24:38 For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage ...

The days of Noah are part of a time that the Lord Jesus compared to the time before his imminent second coming: the near-zero value is given to the engagement.

When Jesus said that in the days of Noah people were marrying and giving in marriage, was referring to people who married and separated again and again from different partners.

The original plan of God was concerned about the moral corruption of man as we read from the earliest days of mankind: Genesis 4:19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. This is the first transgression of the law of marriage and the oldest remnant of the practice of polygamy. Is a clear attack on marriage instituted by God.

Marriage was created by God.

Genesis 2:21-23 the Lord God caused deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead. And the rib which the LORD God took the man into a woman, and brought the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because the man was taken.

The value of this institution of marriage (between a man and a woman) that God established in the beginning, is confirmed and sanctioned through the Bible: Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored in every marriage, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

However, the evidence speak of human beings give less and less value accorded to marriage, which is confirmed simply by reviewing the incidence of divorce today.
The most serious is that divorce is also becoming a common practice among evangelical Christians. Not long ago, the rate of marital separations in the Christian church was almost nil, but today is a real pest. Many Christians seek approval of a pastor or leader to divorce your partner, not knowing that is the Word of God establishes the parameters in this regard.

When God created man and woman on earth, He ordered the marriage. This union was not instituted by human court authority, or the laws of Congress.
"And God said: It is not good that man should be alone; will make a helper suitable for him" (Gen. 2.18). The sole helpmeet created by God for man is woman.

And Jesus said:
"But at the beginning of creation, male and female did God. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they twain shall be one flesh: So they are no longer two but one flesh. For what God joined together, let no man put asunder ... Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her and if she divorces her husband and marries another commits adultery "
(Mark 10.6-9, 11-12)

This is the foundation of marriage! This is the basis of family life! This is the Divine Law upon which rests the fate of nations. ALMIGHTY GOD, not a human Congress created the human race - made us male and female.

It is God, not a human priest or a judge, who unites man and woman in marriage. Marriage is called "holy." Why? Which is what makes it holy? Just the fact that it is a divine institution, ordained by God and is God who joins a man and woman.
The priest does not "tie the bond." The minister, judge or other officer authorized by men, simply leads the ceremony. ALMIGHTY GOD who is "tied the loop" and unite as one flesh for life. It applies to Christian and non Christians alike, to all races, creeds and colors. A civil marriage between a man and a woman is completely valid in the eyes of God.

It is the mandate of the church. The institution of marriage began with the creation before there was a church. Is for male and female, without reference to any church. Come to be a meat, but are separated in spirit.

Therefore human laws which contradict the laws of God, DO NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE MARRIAGE. Mandatory laws regarding marriage comes only from God.

GOD HAS EVER GIVEN AUTHORITY TO ANY BODY OF MEN, CIVIL OR CHURCH TO LAW MARRIAGE CONTRARY TO PRONOUNCE HIS COMMANDMENTS! (Acts 5:29, "We must obey God rather than men," answered Peter and other apostles-)

Marriage is a gift and a calling from God
As a gift (gift) and as a call we must emphasize what the scriptures say about it. Romans 11:29 says: For God does not repent of their calling and their gifts.

Marriage is a mystery that holds the will of God reflected in the actions of Christ and the church as husband and wife. Marriage is not to find the best person for someone, is to actually be. According to Ephesians 5:25-33: No married person is required to die for their work or by his ministry, but if it is required to give his life for his spouse as Christ gave his life for the Church. The most important person on earth to the husband and the only one which should give his own life is his wife. The most important person for the wife and the only one which should give his own life is her husband.

There are those who say, 'Lord, Lord, those who enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of my Father in heaven. (Matthew 7:21). What is the will of God on marriage? The purpose is to glorify God for his glory has instituted this sacred bond. According to Romans 8:29, conformed to the image of Christ. That is the purpose of marriage. Some of you are married and struggling with her marriage. You say that you and your wife are not compatible. That are completely different. She did not meet all your needs. You do not supplement hers. You wonder if you marry the right person. Because marriage is not what you thought it would be. The problem is that you have wrong ideas about marriage. Perhaps your ideas about marriage from Hollywood and television, fantasy, and not from the Word of God.

God hates divorce. The prophet Malachi posted this message on the men of Israel:
Malachi 2:16, The Lord God of Israel, the Almighty, says: "Take care, therefore, its own spirit, and not be unfaithful, for I hate to anyone who divorces his wife and committed this evil stain.

The reason the church has been lax in divorce is because they do not understand marriage. If a spouse has problems, such as drunkenness or outbursts of anger, one concludes that there is a "good" marriage and leaves. Those who adopt this perspective end allowing divorce for any reason, "as the Pharisees did in Jesus' time. Jesus answered the Pharisees by saying that the destruction of any God-ordained marriage is always wrong." What God has joined together no man put asunder, "says our Lord. Matthew 19:3-11.

Many men (or women) to express their marital problems "I no longer (it) love." "She (He) does not supply my needs." But what God says to man (and woman) is, then repent. Repent of your selfishness. Repent of your selfishness. Because you should not love (or) just because supplies all your needs. You should not love (or) just because you have romantic thoughts. You love (or) why you made a covenant with God and that you want to be like Christ.

Dear Brothers in Christ, if married to a Christian woman, married with a daughter of God, and your wife if you're married to a Christian, he is the son of God. The worst thing you can do is hurt the woman or the man Christian. If they fail in the ministry, God will have mercy. If you do not study the Bible every day, God will have mercy. If you hurt your daughter or your son, then you should be afraid.

There are many people running from one side to another trying to reform the church and set things right and win the world, but very few people want to be biblical in the simple things that God has commanded us.

The Christian life begins with simple obedience. If you have been married for several years and your wife are you being nice, it's probably your fault. Women, do not use this as an excuse. When your husband looks at you and says, "You're a good wife, you should not answer:" Well, it's your fault because you are also under a mandate from God to love and respect, whether they deserve it or not they deserve it. Many people founded that is biblical because it makes a few things, but God demands that our whole life is subject to His call.

There are problems in marriages today. Yes, there are, in fact the enemy's objective is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). The question is: Is it finished all the resources of God to arrange a marriage?. No, no way. He has the answer. He and no one else has the last word. Divorce is no solution. It is a seed that breaks into homes, children and society. Satan is a gateway to the remarriage!.

We are in recent times as he said the Lord Jesus, times and days of Noah, Jesus Christ is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. It's time to fight for God, his word of what they want and discard what you hate, what is not your perfect will. Yes there is a way, his name is Christ. For the exits in GOD? Let men and women of the Word of God!


God bless you,

Jenny and Hugo G.
- Bible in different versions
- Chuy Olivares. Divorce and the god of music.
- Paul Washer. The purpose of marriage.
(Note:This translation was done by software. The Original Spanish version is here)

About autors :
Jenny Gonzalez and her husband Hugo Guarin are the youth pastors in Bogota - Colombia. They are responsible for the International Net MINLUZNACIONES and the newsletters. They Minister the word of God with a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit through the witness of a revelation of Heaven and Hell. They use unconventional strategies for evangelism and have led to his writings, ideas, drawings and testimonies of thousands of people in Colombia and the world to know, love and passion for God. If you are interested in making contact with them, contact email: jenny.g@minluznaciones.org.

If this message has been building and blessing for his life, discussing his testimony can write to: hugo.g@minluznaciones.org, We pray for you.

Notices :

Do you want that the Ministry share the The word of God and the testimony of Heaven and Hell in your City?
Please, Write an email to: jenny.g@minluznaciones.org. Our desire is to serve God

You can download the mp3 and pdf text free of the revelation of Heaven and Hell on our website: www.minluznaciones.org. You can also request the original audio cd's, writing an email.

Revelations of Hell and Heaven By 7 Columbian Youths

Evangelism Ministry
Founded and led by seven young men from the experience of heaven and hell.
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